Sunday, November 02, 2008

Fig Jam DIY

This is a back dated post, been wanting to put this up for a while already.

A while ago I mentioned that I have a fig tree in my backyard. This season the tree was blooming with figs and figs that I am not able to finish. Been giving it out to friends who love them and since there are still leftover that I'm not able to finish at all, I got the idea from the farmer's market to make them into fig preserves. This way it will be able to last a little while longer and I don't have to spend extra $$ to buy preserves from the shop.

There are many version of fig jam and preserves out there and since I have decided to keep it as simple as possible, and also reduce the amount of sugar in the jam, the recipe is pretty basic.

Fig Jam Ingredients:
Bunch of figs
1/2 cups or less of sugar depending on the sweetness you prefer

Take a bunch of figs as many as you like, and cut them into half. Scoop out the flesh and be sure not to include too much of the outer part (white color) of the fig because it can be a little bitter tasting.

Combine those flesh and sugar into a pot and cook them on medim heat in order to reduce the liquid in the flesh.

Once it get to the consistency that you prefer, cool them down before you put them into sterilize jar. You can store them in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

It wasn't as tough as I thought it would be to make jam. Of course mine might not taste as good as those sold out in the market but I'm glad I give it a try. Fig season is almost over and there are barely any fruit on the tree now and it is ready to be trim for the next season.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't get those fresh fig here. Even don't see fig jam here as well.