Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Germination process

There is a patch of land on the side of the house which is left empty. Since everyone is talking about organic food, I thought maybe I can grow my own vegetables and fruit as well. It is still a little ironic to me because I'm working in a high tech world and at the same time now I'm thinking about growing my own vegetables.

I have decided to start from the very beginning, seed. I saw the lady's finger or better known as okra here in US and brussel sprout seed while browsing through the shop so I have decided to try them. Being a gardening dummy, after surfing the internet, I learned a new word, germination. I have decided to give it a try instead of just planting the seed out of the package. After a couple days, miracle happens, it actually works. I am expecting that I would have to at least try it multiple times before I succeed, that is why it's a miracle :). Here is what they look like now in the pot.

This is sunflower, I love them since I think they bring a smile to my face so I have decided to grow some at my house to brighten any dull day.

This is brussel sprout, or miniature cabbage.

This is the okra, I still remember I used my brother used to grow them in our backyard when I was little.

I will have to transfer them to the patch of land. Preparing the land now and trying to see what else I can grow. Time to go gardening shopping now for other seed since I'm succeed this time.

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