Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Taking Things for Granted

Sometimes we are so bless that we always take things for granted. Take for example me, living only an hour away from one of the world most beautiful city, San Francisco, I don’t think I appreciate the fact that it is so close. For some people they would have to fly half way around the globe to get here to be able to enjoy the weather, the people and the city itself.

In order to make sure that I do not regret it if I ever leave this place for good, last year for my birthday I actually went up to San Francisco at night for a photography session of the city skyline which I have seen countless time during the day. I still consider myself as an amateur when it comes to photography and maybe I will always be an amateur. No matter what I still enjoy it.

This will be my reminder that I should live everyday as if it is my last, be thankful and never to take things or people for granted.

San Francisco Skyline

Bay Bridge

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