Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Can you do without it?

For the past week I have been on spending spree which makes me kinda worry. To add to all that, when you are spending with a plastic card it is easy to lose track on how much you are charging. I'm really concerns how big will my credit balance be at the end of month. Small things can add up to be a huge bill as well especially we are talking about so many small things for a home. With all those spending, we have not even look into the list of expensive items that we have to buy yet. It's not as easy to be a homeowner after all.

There is an article today on CNN title "They cut out their credit cards". In today's world I guess almost everyone carry one if not multiple plastic cards, since it is just such a convenient as oppose to the alternative of carrying cash. Can we do without it? I for one cannot do without it. However, I try to stay within my mean so that I will be able to pay off the amount at the end of each month to not carry any credit debt. A little discipline is all we need.

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